A place for stuff.
I've used desktopx on a regular basis and this new version has me blowing smoke from all portels. I cannot create a system tray with the new version and yet I can use all of the widgets and every object can be used. However, as soon as I upgrade through stardock central I lose the ability to use even the simplest object, like the one that has the cat chasing the cursor everywhere.
Yet with upgrade, the system tray can be created easily, there just isn't any way to load objects and widgets. I've done all about I can do short of using heavy equipment and explosives. I read that others are having the same trouble. Does anyone have any idea what might cause this and if so could you offer a fix? I don't think the neighbors would like my solution. Be safe and snow free.

on Jan 23, 2005
I think the compatiblity issues are being worked on.
on Jan 24, 2005
I Hope so cerebroJD, this new one gives me a headache.
on Jan 24, 2005
I know for a fact they know about the Systray/Taskbar problems.. Martin knows about that one as I was/am working on a new dock that has these, and neither one works!!

Lets hope there is a new version out SOON!!
on Jan 24, 2005
ok. maybe that is why I couldn't get it to work...
on Jan 24, 2005
I've done a few more things to try and get the new version to work, emptied themes cache, emptied widgets cache.......even downloaded stardocks odzapper so as to do a complete uninstall. Nothing is working out, still have a spoiled version of destopx. Perhaps there is a lesson here. Why offer upgrades upon something working so well in the first place? If it ain't broke don't fix it. My motto all along. See ya. Still looking for fixes so if anyone out there finds one or two let me in on it, um, let us all in on it.
on Jan 24, 2005
Another update, here's what I did. Uninstalled everything associated with desktopx. rebooted and then downloaded the shareware version of desktopx. Then intstalled, and then did the upgrade from stardock central. I still cannot create a system tray object, but I downloaded one from the website and it works fine. Also, objects and widgets are working fine. Now could someone offer a reason to me why a system tray object from another user's outdated version would work on this buggy new version?? See ya
on Jan 24, 2005
I no longer care.
on Jan 26, 2005
Stardock Command has issued a new upgrade to desktopx. Cancel red alert.
on Jan 27, 2005
the only thing you can do is export a sytray from another theme and then import it and chage the graphics as needed
on Jan 28, 2005
Good idea snarf.