A place for stuff.
Published on October 21, 2005 By Adam Michael In WinCustomize Site Issues
This is damn interesting, first I upload a wallpaper then 24 hours later I get an email from wincustomize congradulating me that my piece has been approved and is available at the following website: https://www.wincustomize.com/viewskin.aspx?SID=1&SkinID=25622&LibID=8. Then an hour later I get another email telling me unfortunatly my upload has been disapproved. I'm baffled. Make up my mind already.....geez
on Oct 21, 2005
That happens, sometimes...
on Oct 21, 2005
I'm sure it does happen, but now I have a complex and will have to go out and buy several bags of oreo's and a gallon of milk to compensate.
on Oct 21, 2005
Make up my mind already

on Oct 21, 2005

Well the wallpaper is still there, that's a plus!
on Oct 21, 2005
At least they said yes before they said no


all I get is NO NO NO


I'm gonna go buy an inflatable boyfriend....I just can't take it anymore

on Oct 22, 2005
will have to go out and buy several bags of oreo's and a gallon of milk to compensate

Hey don't blame others in order to go ahead and make your deepest wishes into reality...

At least the wall is still there...i think they must have approved it...
on Oct 22, 2005

I'm gonna go buy an inflatable boyfriend....

trouble is, they always put the valve in an embarassing place........

on Oct 22, 2005

I'm gonna go buy an inflatable boyfriend..

Do not over inflate, however....it's both embarassing and hazardous to health when they puncture and fly around the room.....let gooooooo!

A personal experience? Nope, but the mental image cracks me up
on Oct 29, 2005
Yeah, I see that they did decide to run the wallpaper. Perhaps I spoke too soon. However, I do have a suggestion for Mrs Footsie........check out realdoll.com. Why they might have just what yer lookin' for.